Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Choices... Growing up, I realized that I had to make a choice about everything I did! I know, that's alot of choices! But now that I have been at college for almost two months, I have realized something else... That choices have consequences.
At college, I have many friends, and a couple close friends. I have three roommates, all of which I like alot. Some of my friends state that they are Christians, but to tell you the truth, I would never guess that they are Christians from their actions. I also state that I am a Christian, and I hope to show my belief with my actions. Many people here, including one of my roommates, does not believe in Christianity. I look around and I constantly see so called Christians acting horrible! Even worse, I look at myself and I constantly see me not acting like a Christian! I have tried talking to my roommate and I have tried to answer any questions he has about the Bible, but I believe that he needs to see something different in me to believe that what I believe is real!
So, I have realized that choices have consequences. I need to remember that the way I act is constantly being watched. I need to live what I believe! I need to LIVE OUT LOUD!

1 comment:

Matt Wiggins said...

Awesome Dakota...me too...I will praying for you.