Sunday, October 26, 2008


I would be lying if I said that I was not competitive! I want to win at everything. Whether it is wining a video game, or a sport contest, or just a little board game, I want to win!! This week, at school, I realized something that I had not realized before. I realized that I was actually competitive in trying to be a better Christian than others.
This past Thursday, I went to Campus Crusade. Usually, I walk in to see a huge stage set up with the band members ready to play, but this week was different... I walked in to see a very small stage with just an acoustic guitar and piano on the stage. I then walked to my seat wondering what they were planning on doing that night. When the meeting started, the leader of Campus Crusade came up and announced that this meeting was going to be different. He said that all we were going to do is pray to the Lord while the band played quietly in the background. I was kinda dissapointed. I was looking foward to hearing a good message, but, o well. I bowed my head and closed my eyes to start praying, but I kept on getting sidetracked! I could not focus on the prayer! About five minutes later, the leader came up on stage again and asked for everyone to totally clear their mind of everything going, relationships, sports, and just focus on the Lord. I couldn't believe he said that! It was exactly what I needed to hear. I cleared my mind of everything and focused on the Lord. I prayed for a long time. But what started to happen next was incredible. I started seeing things that I was doing that were wrong! You know, I hate to say it, but sometimes I do the right thing just to try to make myself a better, i don't know, person or Christain. My main focus isn't on glorifying the Lord. I read my Bible everyday... but what for? To be able to tell people that I do read the Bible everyday, and not to get closer to the Lord or glorify Him. I realized that many of the things I do in my life are done for my glory and not for my Savior. It was a great lesson the Lord taught me that night. And I will try my best to do the right thing, not for my glory or personal rewards, but for Him.
So in conclusion, I learned that being competitive by trying to be a better Christian than others is wrong. I should not try to be better than other people I see, I should just try to get as close to my Savior as I can, do God's will and glorify Him while I do it.

1 comment:

Kevin Clark said...

Great post Dakota. It was a needed reminder for me. That was a lesson that I too had to learn and unfortunately not as soon in life as you have. I'm praying for you today, right now actually. You are a gifted and godly man. Keep pushing yourself in His direction.